"We have gone to a much deeper level of intimacy than I
dreamed possible through your skills as a relationship therapist."


If you reside in the Orlando area, you'll discover a successful experience when opting for regular Couples or Marriage Counseling at my Winter Park address. Designed to heal your relationship, you're invited to attend weekly 90-minute, depending on the issues and situation of your relationship. I am a Certified Imago Therapist and am expert at using techniques that have helped hundreds of couples in my private practice. Please learn more about Imago Therapy. 


If you live outside of the Central Florida area, I can assist you through various intensive approaches suited to meet your relationship needs. Call our office for further information. 


Learn more about my Intensive Couples Retreats for relationships in crisis.


If you and your partner are dealing with the pain and confusion of sexual desire discrepancies and the sizzle has turned to a fizzle, my sex therapy services are just what you're looking for!

I use an approach offering all the support and encouragement that is needed to become "sexually fluent" and prove that mutual desire and sexual heat do not have to fade, but can grow more powerful with every passing day. I trained with Dr. Pat Love, author of "Hot Monogamy" and "The Truth About Love". Call me today for Sexual Desire Therapy if you and your partner are struggling with areas like:
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Erection Difficulties (ED) and
  • Arousal or Desire Issues

Infidelity/Affairs Counseling 

The pain of discovering infidelity or an affair on the part of your partner or spouse, can invade your relationship and be the most painful experience couples can go through. In spite of the pain and anger you may be experiencing, your relationship can be healed and trust can be rebuilt. 

Statistically, only 35 % of couples survive an affair. My methods can increase those odds to 85%. My book, "Rebuilding Broken Bridges" is a story of how to rebuild your relationship after infidelity is discovered. It is a personal story of the dream you and your partner can experience.  

Sex Addiction or Porn Addiction Counseling

Sex is at the core of our identities. Compulsive behaviors such as porn addiction or serial infidelity can be considered addictions similar to alcohol or drug addiction. You need to chose a counselor trained in dealing with these complex issues. I take a team approach in helping you, as a couple or individual, with this painful issue. 

I team with various national sexual addiction residential sites, local sex addiction groups for men, and local groups for women involved in a relationship with an individual struggling with this damaging issue. When sex becomes a compulsion, it can unravel our lives. This therapy is perfect for you if you desire desire healing and restoration. Lean more about my Sex Addiction Counseling services and call me at 407.619.3258.


Love Can Build a Bridge Workshop

You can "dream a new dream." Your relationship can be healed and you can become whole. The goal of this workshop is to help you, as a couple, find your dream relationship.  

You and your partner will learn how to:
  • Resolve longstanding conflicts
  • Gain confidence that your relationship can be healed, even in crisis
  • Revitalize a good relationship
  • Establish a deeper level of trust by creating safety in the relationship
  • Rekindle romance and sexual desire
  • Learn new skills of connecting; and
  • Build the relationship you truly desire
In this recession, this is an alternative to individual couple's therapy which can be expensive. This 20 hour workshop, which you attend with other couples, can be experienced for what comes to $25 per hour. As couples cannot afford to get a divorce, why not invest in healing the relationship you are in and find the relationship of your dreams. 

The cost of this workshop is $500.00 per couple. Please call my office at 407.619.3258 today or request further information using my Contact Form.

Hot Monogamy Workshop

This is a 2-day day workshop on the essential steps to more passionate lovemaking. Developed by Dr. Pat Love and based on her book "Hot Monogamy", you will discover how to:
  • Reignite the sexual desire in your relationship
  • Connect with each other and
  • Put the sizzle back in your relationship!
The cost of this workshop is $500.00 per couple. Please call my office at 407.619.3258 today or request further information using my Contact Form.

(407) 619-3258

How I Can Help

Rebuilding Broken Bridges

Order John Wagner's latest book Rebuilding Broken Bridges for Couples

Relationship in Crisis?

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